Popscene (Music Industry Sim) App Reviews

76 add

Good but....

I played for a while and it is a fun game but then it just froze to a white screen


Mdickie is incapable of making a bad game


Okay. Ive played worse.


Not even a game it just plays songs and is completely random

Great game again but...

You have yet to make a bad game MDicky, and this is nothing short of great, but I think more things could be added/fixed (sorry if these are in the paid version) -Fast forward button during long songs -More customization options (Clothes,Instruments, etc) -Fix the bug with the white screen(happens once in a while) -Slightly easier contract deals -Wtf is foam finger? -Nicer band members(yes, I mean kind

MDickie is awsome

I loved wrestling revo and hard time so I tried this and I thought is was kinda stupid then after getting into it I got addicted next I would like to see a free version of the mma game

Great game but

The game keeps freezing when the magazine pops up and it results in what happens next and the character modals stay on screen

Why is it

Why is it, I have a iTunes playlist and it still doesnt let me use my music. I mean wtf?

Awesome game, they make the best games wish there more

Wasted my time...

At first it seemed promising, even if the poor graphics and bad control threw me off a bit. But as you delve into the game, it becomes tedious and repetitive, and frankly, unrewarding. I could immediately tell it was a work of an amateur or a developer who still hasnt, well, developed. Also, the lack of instructions hindered me and I had to resort to looking up everything online, which is annoying when Im in mid-game and Im trying to understand the basics and mechanics. Fix these issues and Ill consider revising my review and re-downloading this. But for now, I would not recommend anyone, except for Mat Dickie fans, to download this game.


Its a pretty stupid game.

Great Game

Great Game but You should update/add new characters every year. We should have an option to start a rivalry with another character and get the chance to do a diss song about them. (Question). Can we become CEO of a record label. If not there should be a scenario where the original CEO dies or quits <----- just a suggestion giving ideas just in case its not possible for us.

My Character always get Fired from the any percents they say "It seems you failed and your fired"

I Hate This


Blackdog66-March 26 2015 its ok not my favorite but its a good game u should make a lot more games there great I think Im a big fan of your games I would like to play more.

Add anytime investments and add training

The game has serious potential but you need to make it so that you can make your player better

Disappointing :/

I love Mdickie as a developer and this game isnt a total bust. With complex character creation and an amusing enough career mode when being screwed around by music reps. Its worth checking out. The use of youre own music is cool too! Ultimately the core gameplay falls flat though. It seems repetitive and almost somewhat up to chance on performances. Again not the worst game in the world, but far from Mdickies best.

Great game

This game is very fun its like real life the music in this game sounds very good but there should update this game so you could talk to anybody you want


this is a good game but like the label keep saying they are going to drop me if i dont fire one of my bad members. like there is no fire button on the game

Pure trash

I hate it its confusing and trash

Its Great!

I been playing this game over a year now and it had been good so far, I deleted last year but now I think I might download it again to give it one more try.

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